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May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

Since 1949, many organizations across the United States have recognized May as a month of mental health awareness, and this May 2022 is especially important. After the last two years of pandemic living, many people are realizing that stress, isolation, and uncertainty have taken a toll on their well-being. This is especially true in school-aged children.

As with physical health, mental health is not merely the absence of disease or a mental health disorder. It includes emotional well-being, psychological well-being, social well-being and involves being able to:

  • navigate successfully the complexities of life,

  • develop fulfilling relationships,

  • adapt to change,

  • utilize appropriate coping mechanisms to achieve well-being without discrimination.

  • realize their potential,

  • have their needs met, and

  • develop skills that help them navigate the different environments they inhabit.

Nurturing Mental Health

To nurture mental health involves encouraging and increasing healthy behaviors that can help prevent the onset of a diagnosable mental disorder and reduce risk factors that can lead to the development of a mental disorder. Specifically, mental health can be promoted through:

  • early childhood interventions

  • providing support for children

  • programs targeted at vulnerable groups, including interventions after disasters

  • incorporating mental health promotional activities in schools

  • violence prevention programs; and, among others,

  • community development programs.

Here at the NASCPC we firmly believe in a holistic approach to school safety and promoting positive mental health is a large part of this ecosystem. Across the nation the uptick in violent behavior can likely be attributed to unmet mental health needs of children across all age groups.

As the 2021-2022 school year is coming to an end, now is the time for districts and schools to be getting ahead of the upcoming school year. If you would like to get involved and make lasting change for your school, please connect with us today.

PARENTS, reach out to us here if you would like to connect us to your school.

SCHOOLS, connect with us here if you would like help at your school.

MEMBERS, click here to connect with us on collaborating to make a difference.

Additional Mental Health Resources:


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